3D Scanning Technology

3D digital scanning technology is something that sets apart an 'ok' dental office from a 'top-of-the-line' dentist. We believe that your comfort is of utmost importance and it really doesn't get any better than this.
Our office is equipped with iTero® intraoral scanning devices, which we use for our Invisalign® cases.
Instead of taking goopy impressions (that make you gag, just thinking about it!), we capture your exact smile with a hand-held device that fits comfortably in your mouth.
The way that it's designed, it also produces more accurate representations of your teeth, without the potential distortions that can happen with traditional impressions. Speaking of distortions, if it happens with traditional impressions, the patient would be asked to come into the office and re-take it - something that just doesn't happen when you get a digitized scan. But that's time out of your day, when you can be doing anything else.
You'll also get better-fitting Invisalign® trays when you get digital scans. Think about it: with traditional impressions, we have to loosen the soft material away from your teeth first, before it comes off. You don't have that margin of error with digital because the scan is sent as-is.
It speeds up turnover time without sacrificing results because it allows us to send cases to the lab online instead of going through snail-mail. That means you'll get fewer delays and you'll get your straighter smile in a shorter time frame.
And finally, one of the coolest things about iTero® technology is that you'll get to see a preview of your smile even before you commit to treatment. If you don't like what you see, speak to our team of doctors and we'll see what we can do.
Ready for your Invisalign®/iTero® scan? Call us to book a consultation: (416) 226-6688.