5 Tips on Invisalign

1) Change to your new trays in the evening before bed - that way, the initial soreness and tightness will not be noticed as you sleep the night away - for at least 8-ish hours, anyways.
2) Lightly and thoroughly brush your teeth and your trays before wearing. Floss, too. While you do change to a new tray every two weeks, you don't want to trap bacteria in the crevices between the trays, your teeth and gums because that could be a recipe for inflammation and cavities.
3) Choose a dentist who is trained in and provides iTero digital scanning (like us). We've utilized both digital scanning and manual impressions in the past and the level of accuracy increases dramatically with digital scanning. Trays fit better and tighter to achieve the smile you've always wanted - not a "close-enough smile" with multiple distortions.
4) Achieve a better fit by using your Chewies religiously - we give them to you for a reason. At the bare minimum, chew them when you put in the trays. If you're an over-achiever, chew them like you would chew bubble gum.
5) The recommended wear time is about 22 hours a day. Invisalign only works if you wear them, so if you don't think you can follow through, speak to our dental team to see what other options we have available to you.