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Better and Faster

Dentistry is an exciting profession. Technology advancement has allowed dentistry to be done better and faster.

When Dr. Shirley and I were in dental school, we were told not to use white fillings for the back teeth. Today, every filling we put in the mouth, whether it is for front teeth or back teeth, we use white filling (composite resin) material impregnated with nano particle fillers.

We used to write lengthy notes on treatment record after seeing a whole day of patients. No matter how hard you try, there are days you are not to write legibly and sometimes miss out important details of the procedures performed during the day. Today, we can type our notes on computer software which link up patient records with appointment schedule. The notes are neat and tidy, easy to read and most importantly accurate records of the happenings in dental operatories. A picture is better than a thousand words; we take clinical digital photos of oral condition and upload them into digital files of patient records. Insurance papers, consent forms, lab prescriptions can also be scanned and stored in digital files. Going paperless seems a very sensible way to protect and save the world we are living.

If you still are not convinced that dentistry is exciting, take a look at One-Visit Crown CAD/CAM dentistry. We are able to shorten your crown making into one appointment. Using CAD (Computer Assisted Design) and database library of the software program, your crown is designed with a click of a few buttons. The data is then transferred wirelessly to an in-office milling machine using CAM (Computer Assisted Milling). In just a few minutes a ceramic crown is ready to be bonded to your tooth. Isn’t that nice to have your tooth restored on the same day and not to worry about wearing a temporary tooth in your mouth? Have you heard of Instant Orthodontics? What about Implant-in-a-day? The air is heating up here.

- Dr. Kenny Chan


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