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Dental Specialists

For the most part, we consider ALFIE Dentistry your one-stop-shop for all of your dental care needs - we keep up-to-date with our equipment, we stay in-the-loop with the latest technological advancements, we continue to learn new things every year and we even have a special laboratory in our office so that we can maintain our high standard of care in the creation of your dental appliance(s).

On occasion, we make recommendations for you to see a specialist - these are highly trained dental professionals who focus on one area of expertise. While general dentists (like us) do almost a little bit of everything, these doctors do not (save for maybe the paediatric dentist - who does many different procedures on children).

Here are some of the different specialists we might refer you or a family member to:

Pediatric Dentist take care of treating children. Their offices are often equipped with fun, inviting and kid-friendly environments. These specialists can help young children and those experiencing anxiety or nervousness to get into the habit of seeing a dentist - without the fear.

Orthodontists work to straighten your teeth. While we accept about 90% of braces cases at our office, some situations would have a greater benefit if they were referred out due to the complexities of the cases.

Periodontists focus on gum health. One situation where we recommend a periodontal is when patients present with severe gum disease. Hopefully, the periodontal specialist can help preserve what's left of the gum and perhaps bring the health of the gums to a better place.

Endodontists perform root canal treatments.

Prosthodontists replace missing teeth - so procedures like implants and bridges and dentures.

Oral surgeons do wisdom teeth extraction as well as some overlapping procedures such as implant dentistry.

Oral pathologists work to diagnose and manage oral diseases and abnormalities.

Oral radiologists take and interpret dental radiographs and scans.



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