Happy Easter!

From our ALFIE Family to Yours!
2020 is NOT cancelled. Although we can't do any get-togethers or participate in 'normal' Easter activities, let's make the best of a weird situation! Here are a couple of things you can do today, to celebrate Easter Long Weekend:
Decorate Easter Eggs
And use supplies you already have at home! Maybe you've got to go into your kids' stash of art supplies. Maybe you're using a sharpie marker. Use your imagination and see what you can create.
Holiday Baking
Is always on the menu! You can decorate cookies in Easter colours. You can bake a cake, if you're up for it. Urmm, if you're creating something sweet though, just thought we'd mention: remember to brush and floss and take good care of your teeth.
Join a Live Broadcast
Many churches are offering Easter services this long weekend - online. You can possibly check with your local church, or join a live cast from halfway across the world.
Virtually Connect with Friends and Family
This made it onto our last 'what to do in quarantine' post too - because we understand how important it is to have that human connection, even while we're apart.
Easter Egg Hunt (At Home)
Who says that this can't be indoors? Capture the magic of the hunt at home, and/or in your backyard with your immediate family.
You may want to keep a master list, tracking where you've hid the eggs. You really don't want to find them months down the road, rotting!
Share an Easter Meal - Online
If you have extended family and/or friends, you can still share that Easter lunch/dinner with them. You cook on your end, they cook on their end, and fire up the Face Time/Skype/Zoom when you're all ready to eat. You can still chat and connect this way, even if you're all in different places, eating different food, LOL.
Easter-Themed Crafts
Mostly everyone has paper lying around the house. You can create decorations for the house. Make some bunny masks our of paper plates (And just so we're clear - these are for aesthetic purposes - not ones designed for protection against COVID-19!).