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Preparing for your First Visit

Welcome! Welcome!

We couldn't be happier that you have chosen our office to take care of your dental health. In preparation for your first appointment, please remember to:

1| Provide your contact email address so that we can set up ALFIE Dentistry Patient Portal access for you. This is essential to keeping you and the office safe - by doing as many contactless transactions as possible.

2| Once you have registered for our patient portal, please complete all the e-forms that are there. If you're not sure how this will work, here is a quick video tutorial:

If you prefer step-by-step instructions, please revisit this blog post here.

3| If you have recent digital x-rays (within the past 3 years) from another dental office, please have them send you these x-rays (and then forward it to us!). If you are requesting them as yourself, they should be able to release them with no hassle.

If you would like us to help you, we would prepare an Authorization for Release of Dental Records form, which you will need to sign and we can help you submit it to your previous dental office. However, this can often delay the process and it is usually quicker when you obtain the records yourself and then email them to us.

Please note that even if you have existing x-rays, if the dentist needs more information during the examination, they will ask you if they can take additional x-rays.

4| If you have dental coverage, we can enter it into our software and help you to submit claims and/or predeterminations online.

We would need your name - as written on your insurance card (LOL, we know, it sounds obvious but some of our patients have their traditional names, nicknames, married names, etc - so we just want to make sure it matches). Then we would need the name of the insuring company, your subscriber id (or unique identification number) and a contract number (sometimes referred to as a group number or policy number). If you would like us to send an estimate to see if the first visit will be covered, we would also need your date of birth.

If you are covered under a parent or a spouse, we would need their name (as written on the insurance card :D), date of birth, insuring company and the subscriber ID and contract number.

If you are covered under multiple plans, be sure to specify which plan is whose. People can be covered under multiple plans if they have student status and are also covered under their parent - or parents. You can also be covered under multiple plans through marriage. Some patients have insurance with their employer and have opted into a private plan as well. So, people being covered under multiple insurances is not uncommon, but please be aware that you cannot claim for duplicate services! That is, if you are covered 90% by your primary insurance, the secondary insurance company should only agree to cover the remaining10%. You wouldn't be able to claim 100% off one plan, then that same procedure off another plan!

You can also take a picture of your insurance card(s) and email it to us so that we can make sure all the numbers are entered into our computer accurately.

5| If you get a text, email or phone call asking you to confirm your appointment, please reply. The automated reminders should have a convenient confirmation link and/or link to the patient portal for you to access your forms.

But, if you receive these and you're concerned that it might be a scam, just call us at (416) 226-6688 to speak to one of our concierge members - we would be able confirm your appointment and/or let you know if we have sent one of these messages to you.

6| On the day of your appointment, please double-check the patient portal to see if there are any new forms that you need to update. If you have received x-rays from previous dental office, please be sure to forward them to us before you come in.

7| Upon arrival, please call our office to let us know that you are here. We will call you back when your room is ready. Please remember to put on a mask before entering our building. We will ask you to sanitize your hands and take your forehead temperature. If you have not completed the COVID-19 Screening and Acknowledgement, we will either ask you these questions verbally or we will ask you to fill out paper forms (but we cannot stress enough how much more preferable the e-forms are for containing the spread of COVID-19!).

8| That's it! You will be taken to your room to meet the dentist. We look forward to seeing you.



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