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Visit our NEW Patient Portal!

While we've been busy tending to Emergency Dental Care Patients, we have also been hard at work, preparing for our eventual return to a fully functioning dental practice - hopefully in the near future! Optimistically, we're hoping for a Summer reopening. Pessimistically, maybe the Fall?

Either way, we look forward to seeing everyone's happy faces but have acknowledged that everything won't be 'back to normal'. Instead, it will be a 'new normal' - so we've been upping our game - in terms of infection control as well as the technological side (LOL, as we do).

The video above will introduce you to our NEW Patient Portal. It shows you how to log in for the first time. It shows you how to navigate it. And it shows you how to use it. It's loaded with great resources and information and it was built just for you.

So, if you are an existing patient but haven't received an email invitation from our office, go ahead and let us know (the simplest explanation might be because we don't have your current email address!) We can help you to set it up! If you prefer to call us, we can be reached at (416)226-6688. Talk to you soon!



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