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Zoom Whitening Appointment Openings!

Perhaps you're on your 10th cup of coffee with your new normal of working from home :D

Don't worry, we've got you covered! Our office has been back to offering non-emergency appointments for a couple of months now (Eep - can you believe we're already in November?) - and many are opting for Zoom Whitening to undo the staining we've incurred during COVID times.

And, while it's looking like the holidays this year will likely not include extended family, we may still be enjoying time spent within our households - and that might mean selfies and photos with immediate family. So, don't wait until last minute, book yourself in for a Zoom Whitening treatment today and get your holiday smile on.

What can you expect at a Zoom Whitening Appointment?

  • COVID-19 protocols are still in effect, so you will be pre-screened. If you have any symptoms, please stay home. For more information about how we're ensuring your safety during this pandemic, have a look at our previous blog post here.

  • It is highly recommended to discuss Zoom Whitening treatment with our dental professionals. We always encourage you to prioritize appointments such as restorations, replacements, etc to make sure your teeth are functional first, before worrying about the more elective procedures like dental whitening. The point of this talk with our dentist/hygienist is to make sure that you are a good candidate for dental whitening.

  • If you have particularly sensitive teeth, you may want to ask our clinical team for recommendations on any steps you can do before your appointment to minimize dental sensitivity.

  • You may want to consider getting a dental hygiene appointment a few weeks before getting Zoom Whitening - to make sure you're removing any build-up before hand, so that it won't ultimately interfere with your results.

  • You will be asked to sign a Zoom Whitening Informed Consent.

  • The hygienist will prepare the room for you before your arrival.

  • They will make sure your gums and soft tissue are protected from the whitening solution and then apply the gel to your teeth.

  • The Zoom Whitening lamp will be illuminated to help activate the gel and promote overall whiter teeth.

  • Fresh gel may be reapplied a few times during your appointment.

  • After your visit, give it some time for the colour to stabilize - for a few days, hold off on the red wine and teas and coffees and curries and anything else that may lead to yellowing.

  • Enjoy your brighter smile!


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